Physician Activist from Texas at SF Food Not Bombs


When the government decided to retaliate for my suing over the ADA right to competent expert in Texas State district courts I DISCOVERED HOW THE ADA CAN BE USED TO STOP THE DEATH PENALTY.  It takes another physician to spot the bullshit of another. However, when you realize the depth of the BS, you probably won’t have any disagreement with the issue of the pharmaceutical industry hijacking the education of physicians to support their drug sales.

Read my blogs to scope out how we can stop the death penalty  for sure, email me ideas about who to contact and network with on this issue. I will not post your info if you say not to, of course. Death Penalty Focus will not even respond to my request to meet their director.

Could we improve the health of kidney failure patients, reduce medical costs and protect political prisoners in China with the same action at dialysis clinics in the USA? Yes, click here.

Are medical malpractice cases being rigged? Perhaps, my experiences suggest this needs to be investigated.

Help me locate a responsible law firm and earn a reward          ALERT    My hard copies of letters to the FBI complaining of their complicity and refusal to address my question of concocted insurance fraud issues to help set me up for surveillance have disappeared. Please make downloads of these on the FBI malfeasance blogs for me and place elsewhere on the Internet

Here I start my blog to enlist others to help me locate a law firm to pursue economic justice and civil liberties for me but in such a manner as to protect the interests of large classes of individuals. Warning! I am not a sell-out. I will not do a confidential settlement. I fled Texas suspecting that the harassment could follow me but not having ANY real choice in the matter. Either this nation has viable courts and access to the courts or we face eventual chaos in the streets. So far, I have not found our courts accessible or viable but have chosen to not yet give up hope. So, I have decided to apply capitalism to the search for an attorney capable enough to sue the government and corporations involved and alert enough to protect themselves from the harassment that these entities can roll out. There are motivated competent attorneys out there still. It is just that the government can and will interrupt access to their offices. See the reputations of the attorneys and firms that have failed even to acknowledge my requests. Did they even receive the requests?   I’ve seen phone lines fail unexpectedly when faxes are sent to specific attorneys. I’ve seen the U S registered mail to the ACLU be signed for by “F E L O N” whoa! for once the FBI is telling the truth!

I am offering up to 10% total of the court awarded amounts for the malfeasance of the insurers/government/politicians involved to those individuals who, in various ways find me the law firm/attorney who takes the case and/or locate amicus and/or help me set up speaking engagements, found support groups to give this case some momentum. I am posting copies of prior attempts to engage legal representation on this blog because documents have disappeared sometimes even by the legal boxful at a time, even from a safety deposit box at a credit Union, from hotel rooms and my home in Texas. I hope to embarrass those firms that are too compromised to even respond but allow interested parties to contact the firms and help me confirm that they actually received the requests. Note the blog on GEEK MAFIA, BLACK HAT BLUES since the government could be doing as the hackers did in this novel: run all emails through censors first and disappearing those emails from me and possibly other potential clients. Also, manage their telephone lines, certainly the U S Mail. See, I’m helping to build careers for hackers! Maybe some of the attorneys not already intimidated or compromised will be willing to sue the government for obstructing their access to clients. So, this suggests You can find an attorney interested, find a person to slip me the name on a piece of paper (which I will then chew up and spit out in front of you…just kidding!) then I will fax and email their offices. Come by a day or so later and I’ll show you the hard copies (before they disappear).

I am thinking that the interested parties for amicus may be 1. small business groups since  an illness related to sleep apnea can injure the primary owner and end a business and health insurance costs have decimated profits or 2. victims of car accidents where the drivers causing the accidents had undiagnosed sleep apnea 3. victims of malpractice by attorney or physician where the responsible licensed individual has undiagnosed sleep apnea and is agreeable about accepting responsibility (maybe a stretch for some however, if I had ever made a major malpractice error, I would have considered this option)  4. persons with pesticide exposures where the respiratory compromise went unrecognized…..Since the consequences of severe toxic exposures is that respiration can halt, surely a lesser exposure can bring on obstructive sleep apnea which is apnea appearing during the most metabolically at risk periods. 5. certainly persons with obstructive sleep apnea who had a stroke, heart attack, car accident etc. before the sleep apnea was recognized.

Keep checking for a downloadedable pdf document for this issue. I think it is already on one of the other blogs. Check for me at St. Anthony’s (pulling my Briggs and Riley 22 inch most days at noon 150 Golden Gate avenue, or wednesday nite Food Not Bombs or occasionally Noisebridge

Launch Americans with Disabilities Act Fight to Stop the Death Penalty : Tactic to Change the Medical Education System of Physicians

Launch Americans with Disabilities Act fight to stop the death penalty at occupysf _ Indybay

This is a screen shot of an article published


Legal request to Pacific Legal Foundation

Another request to a legal foundation, mailed by the Social Work Center at St Anthony’s in order to document the mailing, has gone unanswered. Was it ever received by the Pacific Legal Foundation’s National Litigation Center? Requests , multiple, to the Southern Poverty law Center as well as numerous private legal firms have never received acknowledgement.

Please read the document below and if you think this effort to create freedom of speech for physicians is worthwhile, contact the Pacific Legal Foundation. Or, even if the mailed request was never delivered and it would be helpful to establish this possibility for other applicants, so tell them it would be helpful to allow requests they have received but have turned down or cannot fund to be posted on line so their financial supporters know which kind of cases they turn away. This may help with their fund raising efforts.

Pacific Legal Foundation aka National Litigation Center

Multiple Sclerosis Defeated by Terry Wahls MD vs Medicare Part D

A professor of internal medicine at a US medical school flunked multiple major conventional medicine treatments for her progressive multiple sclerosis. She relearned her biochemistry and designed her own nutritional treatment and added neuromuscular electrical stimulation resulting in freedom from wheelchairs.  How many physicians have heard about Terry Wahls so they can recommend this approach to their newly and previously diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients ?

The Wall Street Journal on May 1, 2015 had a front page  article titled “Small Number of Drugs Drive Big Medicare Bill”. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.’s multiple sclerosis drug Copasone was one of the more expensive products.

This is a prime example of why I do not support Medicare Part D. I find that there are outstanding reasons to follow Terry Wahl’s lead to look back to nature and our own biochemistry to find solutions to the majority of health problems our fellow humans face. By the time someone has followed conventional practitioners advice to the bitter end, their health has often not permitted them to remain employed  and they cannot afford  the costs of the healthier diets.

To effect change, we need citizens to become involved in the process where by research grant moneys are given out in the medical schools that the states own. There needs to be sunlight on the financial conflicts that decide what research is performed. To this end, many biochemists are trained but few get tenure. If tenure decisions are based on your ability to bring in corporate funding, this is a penny wise pound foolish decision when it prevents the possibility that our scientific knowledge is not being put to work to keep people well, as Terry Wahls’s story demonstrates. Our publicly owned medical schools and their research labs have been hijacked to enact corporate profits. Potentially, a state owned school partners with a corporation to co own the patents?  Then, the resulting drugs are marketed with medicare Part D forcing all taxpayers to pay them.

Where are these  PhD ‘s biochemist now? Couldn’t they be allowed to crowd source funding  for biochemical research trials of natural foods in the treatment of disease as partners with residency medical training programs with relatively modest funding?  Reversing atherosclerosis with the use of foods high in vitamin K 2 is one relatively easy project that comes to mind. Certainly, the expensive cholesterol lowering drugs have shown to be virtually useless for reversing atherosclerosis and dangerous to boot. Medicare Part D needs to be ended so all that  loot Big Pharma has stolen from us cannot be used to manage  elected officials’ ability to get reelected.

See Terri Wahls MD before and after See Terri Wahls MD before and after

The Hippocrates MovementSee my new blog and send me suggestions about making this association happen


Switching to Libertarian advocacy:

After many attempts to ask the ACLU for advocacy I am now turning to conservative organizations. Following the spirit of “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs*” I decided to approach this fiscal conservative taxpayer’s organization for networking/advocacy. I thought their philosophy noted on their website 

“ensuring the greatest amounts of economic and personal liberty, and promoting public policies that provide individuals with the freedom to use their strengths and talents in pursuit of greater opportunities”

would allow this to be a desirable contact. One of my most stated concerns is that corporate influences on the practice of medicine results in physicians misdiagnosing causing much unnecessary prescribing. since I believe the medical board of texas has been documented to have allowed corporate influences to interfere with the licensing of physicians, this should fit.

My first three attempts to use their contact form on their website (from three different IP addresses) resulted in DNS  and here is a scan of the hard copy.      CCE05012015

why am I putting this here….the first two times my contact effort rejection was received… it was taken off my email records but I didn’t do this. fortunately, this AM I was at a site where I could print off a hard copy to get scanned in. The april 29th document has already disappeared by this afternoon, but not the one received this AM. Odd

then I tried to forward the rejection directly to Greg Harrison at but the sent email ended up in my inbox and did not show up in my sent box at first. later, it disappeared from my inbox and did show up in my sent box.CCE05012015_0001

So, I had another person check by sending a contact request via an additional IP. His was successful but , of course, did not include my email address. So, now I sent an email to Michael Quinn Sullivan, one of the most influential persons in Texas, and received a return email very quickly. Hmmm, his organization is not really very interested in the topic I present. Any ideas from the public of conservative organizations that do care when physicians’ voices are shut down?  CCE05012015_0002

* Robert David Steele Vivas,texas medical board

Is the licensing of physicians a political tool?   libertarian law professors discuss actual published study

Last year, the Annals of Internal Medicine published the results of a survey (below) questioning if a physician who made an assertion about homosexual behavior on an Internet discussion site should be investigated…..60% of state licensing boards responded affirmatively.

Hmmm, what about in states where the population is overwhelmingly opposed to gay rights? Would you want the government to be able to investigate a physician for making a statement in favor of gay rights? That knife cuts two ways. We either have freedom of speech…or…we don’t.

Annals of internal medicine published study

Before a physician can even apply for a license the individual must have met college level prerequisites, completed a 4 year (or equivalent) medical college degree and completed a one year internship. That is a lot of hours of supervision. True, some physicians get through the licensing process and some eventually commit felonies and lose their license. The fact remains that the license can and is being used to control free speech. California physicians went all the way through the Federal Court system to fight for the right to discuss and recommend medical marijuana to their patients.Conant v._McCaffrey decision Now, many states have medical marijuana laws. Why do we try to control a medicinal herb that used to commonly be available and is much safer for chronic pain than narcotics? so the drug companies can keep physicians pushing their products and use the government to control their licenses.


there are libertarian think tank/legal foundations willing to look at licensing issues and I am willing to approach them.

Nov 17th 2004 testimony in the Texas house of Representatives:2 1/2 months before leaving Texas


I was the first speaker and my testimony begins after the first 4 minutes and extends for less than 10 minutes. While it has been 10 years since this event, I recall a question by Senator Jane Nelson that appears to be edited out and other information included that I doubt I stated. Unlikely I would recount my personal medical experiences for public viewing. I believe I mentioned William Dement MD by name while holding up his book as a reference.

Can’t an individual advertise for an attorney?

Can't an individual advertise for an attorney?

Daily Journal Classified

Why can’t an individual advertise for an attorney?

Why can't an individual advertise for an attorney?

The Recorder ad that received no responses

Help me locate Sister Helen Prejean: January 12, 2013 email

To this email, I did not receive even an automated response.

Dear Sister Prejean,
With the recent setback on ending the death penalty in California by initiative, my approach to stopping the enforcement of the death penalty needs to be urgently evaluated. As far as i can determine, this approach of showing the courts that the education of the board Certified Forensic Psychiatrists actually leaves them disqualified under the Americans with Disabilities Act right to experts both competent and experienced has never been tried. Since their education lacks exposure to key areas of medicine, such as sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea, possibly all pending death penalty cases could be placed on hold. Faced with lawsuits over the failure of state licensing boards to have determined the competency of these experts and having depended on a private entity (Boards of medicine specialties are privately owned), many states may choose simply to negate the issue and outlaw the death penalty. I believe that the small business lobby could be recruited to help this effort since it can be shown that there is a cost of mis-educating all physicians that is borne by those purchasing health insurance which is dramatically influenced by physicians’ failure to make accurate diagnoses on a timely basis, thus resulting in the use of drugs with dramatic side effects and repeat hospitalizations.
I await your response patiently.
Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: cynthia lee <>
Date: Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 1:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Sister Helen Prejean <>
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:08 AM
Subject: RE: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty
To: cynthia lee <>

Dear Dr. Lee,


Sr. Helen is in seclusion working on another book at this time.  She will return to the office for the week of July 22 and I will give her your email then.


Thank you,

Carolyn Clulee

Office Asst.


From: cynthia lee []
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty


Dear Sister Prejean,

I wish to bring to your attention a tactic that I have not seen utilized to halt the use of the death penalty. It may be used to quickly stop the death penalty in all jurisdictions.

I became aware of this issue as a physician experienced in sleep disorders experiencing silencing by the medical board of Texas. Their “expert”, board certified in forensic psychiatry, admitted that she “knew almost nothing about sleep apnea”. I began wondering how a physician without experience in medical disorders could render judgement on a person affected by both oxygen and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, there are numerous other medical disorders that are not adequately covered (or, in some cases, not covered at all in advanced psychiatric texts)  so that the physician so instructed would never even suspect the accurate diagnosis. Among these are periodic limb movement disorder and mild to moderate hepatic encephalopathy ( short of being comatose). The amount of research that is pertinent to understanding human behavior from organ dysfunction that never makes it into prominent textbooks is truly amazing.

Sister, while some attorneys, even specialized in criminal law, believe the Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply to their clients, I do not believe that this attitude would prevail. Certainly, all mitigating factors, including medial diagnoses that affect judgement and reasoning, have to be presented to the court before a death penalty can be meted out. The fact that physicians licensed by states, on the word from a private entity like a medial specialty board, often controlled by pharmaceutical interests, but with crucial information redacted from their education, have been allowed to be presented to the courts as experts “competent and experienced” is surely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I would have personally tested this issue in federal court except for the fact I was stalked out of Texas while attempting to make such an effort.

I would like to initiate this dialogue with you hoping to network with individuals who could effect this change. While I believe that humans do not have the right to cause another human’s death, especially under government fiat, the above tactic make be able to stop death penalties from being effected until human culture can evolve to where it needs to be this to be fully accepted. If you would like to send my information on, please do so and feel free to clarify my wording with additional comments.

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience,

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD


MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 12 Jan 2013 13:26:08 -0800 (PST)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 13:26:08 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Fwd: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and
 experienced to halt use of death penalty
From: cynthia lee <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=f46d0434357e71fa4804d31e0f75

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Dear Sister Prejean,

With the recent setback on ending the death penalty in California by
initiative, my approach to stopping the enforcement of the death penalty
needs to be urgently evaluated. As far as i can determine, this approach of
showing the courts that the education of the board Certified Forensic
Psychiatrists actually leaves them disqualified under the Americans with
Disabilities Act right to experts both competent and experienced has never
been tried. Since their education lacks exposure to key areas of medicine,
such as sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea, possibly all pending
death penalty cases could be placed on hold. Faced with lawsuits over the
failure of state licensing boards to have determined the competency of
these experts and having depended on a private entity (Boards of medicine
specialties are privately owned), many states may choose simply to negate
the issue and outlaw the death penalty. I believe that the small business
lobby could be recruited to help this effort since it can be shown that
there is a cost of mis-educating all physicians that is borne by those
purchasing health insurance which is dramatically influenced by physicians'
failure to make accurate diagnoses on a timely basis, thus resulting in the
use of drugs with dramatic side effects and repeat hospitalizations.

I await your response patiently.


Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: cynthia lee <>
Date: Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 1:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and
experienced to halt use of death penalty

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sister Helen Prejean <>
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:08 AM
Subject: RE: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and
experienced to halt use of death penalty
To: cynthia lee <>

Dear Dr. Lee,****

** **

Sr. Helen is in seclusion working on another book at this time.  She will
return to the office for the week of July 22 and I will give her your email

** **

Thank you,****

Carolyn Clulee****

Office Asst.****

** **

*From:* cynthia lee []
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:47 PM
*Subject:* Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and
experienced to halt use of death penalty****

** **

Dear Sister Prejean,

I wish to bring to your attention a tactic that I have not seen utilized to
halt the use of the death penalty. It may be used to quickly stop the death
penalty in all jurisdictions.

I became aware of this issue as a physician experienced in sleep disorders
experiencing silencing by the medical board of Texas. Their "expert", board
certified in forensic psychiatry, admitted that she "knew almost nothing
about sleep apnea". I began wondering how a physician without experience in
medical disorders could render judgement on a person affected by both
oxygen and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, there are numerous other medical
disorders that are not adequately covered (or, in some cases, not covered
at all in advanced psychiatric texts)  so that the physician so instructed
would never even suspect the accurate diagnosis. Among these are periodic
limb movement disorder and mild to moderate hepatic encephalopathy ( short
of being comatose). The amount of research that is pertinent to
understanding human behavior from organ dysfunction that never makes it
into prominent textbooks is truly amazing.

Sister, while some attorneys, even specialized in criminal law, believe the
Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply to their clients, I do not
believe that this attitude would prevail. Certainly, all mitigating
factors, including medial diagnoses that affect judgement and reasoning,
have to be presented to the court before a death penalty can be meted out.
The fact that physicians licensed by states, on the word from a private
entity like a medial specialty board, often controlled by pharmaceutical
interests, but with crucial information redacted from their education, have
been allowed to be presented to the courts as experts "competent and
experienced" is surely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
I would have personally tested this issue in federal court except for the
fact I was stalked out of Texas while attempting to make such an effort.

I would like to initiate this dialogue with you hoping to network with
individuals who could effect this change. While I believe that humans do
not have the right to cause another human's death, especially under
government fiat, the above tactic make be able to stop death penalties from
being effected until human culture can evolve to where it needs to be this
to be fully accepted. If you would like to send my information on, please
do so and feel free to clarify my wording with additional comments.

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience,

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD ********

** **

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div dir=3D"ltr">Dear Sister Prejean,<div><br></div><div style>With the rec=
ent setback on ending the death penalty in California by initiative, my app=
roach to stopping the enforcement of the death penalty needs to be urgently=
 evaluated. As far as i can determine, this approach of showing the courts =
that the education of the board Certified Forensic Psychiatrists actually l=
eaves them disqualified under the Americans with Disabilities Act right to =
experts both competent and experienced has never been tried. Since their ed=
ucation lacks exposure to key areas of medicine, such as sleep disorders li=
ke obstructive sleep apnea, possibly all pending death penalty cases could =
be placed on hold. Faced with lawsuits over the failure of state licensing =
boards to have determined the competency of these experts and having depend=
ed on a private entity (Boards of medicine specialties are privately owned)=
, many states may choose simply to negate the issue and outlaw the death pe=
nalty. I believe that the small business lobby could be recruited to help t=
his effort since it can be shown that there is a cost of mis-educating all =
physicians that is borne by those purchasing health insurance which is dram=
atically influenced by physicians' failure to make accurate diagnoses o=
n a timely basis, thus resulting in the use of drugs with dramatic side eff=
ects and repeat hospitalizations.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>I await your response patiently.</div><div =
style><br></div><div style>sincerely,</div><div style><br></div><div style>=
Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD</div><div><br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">--------=
-- Forwarded message ----------<br>
From: <b class=3D"gmail_sendername">cynthia lee</b> <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<=
a href=3D"">
</a>&gt;</span><br>Date: Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 1:15 PM<br>Subject: Fwd: Usin=
g the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use =
of death penalty<br>
To: <a href=3D""></a=
><br><br><br><div dir=3D"ltr"><br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">----------=
 Forwarded message ----------<br>From: <b class=3D"gmail_sendername">Sister=
 Helen Prejean</b> <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:hprejean@dpdisco=" target=3D"_blank"></a>&gt;</span><br>

Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:08 AM<br>Subject: RE: Using the ADA requiremen=
ts for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty<br>=
To: cynthia lee &lt;<a href=3D"" target=

<br><br><div link=3D"blue" vlink=3D"purple" lang=3D"EN-US"><div><p class=3D=
"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;=
,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1f497d">Dear Dr. Lee,<u></u><u></u></span></=
p><p class=3D"MsoNormal">

<span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-=
serif&quot;;color:#1f497d"><u></u>=A0<u></u></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNorma=
l"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sa=
ns-serif&quot;;color:#1f497d">Sr. Helen is in seclusion working on another =
book at this time.=A0 She will return to the office for the week of July 22=
 and I will give her your email then.<u></u><u></u></span></p>

<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Ca=
/p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot=
;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1f497d">Thank you,<u></u><u></=

<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Ca=
libri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1f497d">Carolyn Clulee<u></u><u><=
/u></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-f=
amily:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1f497d">Office Asst=

<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Ca=
/p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b><span style=3D"font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&q=
uot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">From:</span></b><span style=3D"fon=
t-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> cynth=
ia lee [mailto:<a href=3D"" target=3D"_b=
lank"></a>] <br>

<b>Sent:</b> Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:47 PM<br><b>To:</b> <a href=3D"mailto=" target=3D"_blank"></a><b=
r><b>Subject:</b> Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and ex=
perienced to halt use of death penalty<u></u><u></u></span></p>

<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><u></u>=A0<u></u></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal">Dear Sis=
ter Prejean,<br><br>I wish to bring to your attention a tactic that I have =
not seen utilized to halt the use of the death penalty. It may be used to q=
uickly stop the death penalty in all jurisdictions. <br>

<br>I became aware of this issue as a physician experienced in sleep disord=
ers experiencing silencing by the medical board of Texas. Their &quot;exper=
t&quot;, board certified in forensic psychiatry, admitted that she &quot;kn=
ew almost nothing about sleep apnea&quot;. I began wondering how a physicia=
n without experience in medical disorders could render judgement on a perso=
n affected by both oxygen and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, there are num=
erous other medical disorders that are not adequately covered (or, in some =
cases, not covered at all in advanced psychiatric texts)=A0 so that the phy=
sician so instructed would never even suspect the accurate diagnosis. Among=
 these are periodic limb movement disorder and mild to moderate hepatic enc=
ephalopathy ( short of being comatose). The amount of research that is pert=
inent to understanding human behavior from organ dysfunction that never mak=
es it into prominent textbooks is truly amazing.<br>

<br>Sister, while some attorneys, even specialized in criminal law, believe=
 the Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply to their clients, I do =
not believe that this attitude would prevail. Certainly, all mitigating fac=
tors, including medial diagnoses that affect judgement and reasoning, have =
to be presented to the court before a death penalty can be meted out. The f=
act that physicians licensed by states, on the word from a private entity l=
ike a medial specialty board, often controlled by pharmaceutical interests,=
 but with crucial information redacted from their education, have been allo=
wed to be presented to the courts as experts &quot;competent and experience=
d&quot; is surely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I wou=
ld have personally tested this issue in federal court except for the fact I=
 was stalked out of Texas while attempting to make such an effort.<br>

<br>I would like to initiate this dialogue with you hoping to network with =
individuals who could effect this change. While I believe that humans do no=
t have the right to cause another human's death, especially under gover=
nment fiat, the above tactic make be able to stop death penalties from bein=
g effected until human culture can evolve to where it needs to be this to b=
e fully accepted. If you would like to send my information on, please do so=
 and feel free to clarify my wording with additional comments.<br>

<br>Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience,<br><br>Cynthia Je=
anne Lee MD<span class=3D"HOEnZb"><font color=3D"#888888"><span><font color=
=3D"#888888"><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD=A0<u></u><u=
<span class=3D"HOEnZb"><font color=3D"#888888"><span><font color=3D"#888888=

<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a href=3D"" =
</p></div><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><u></u>=A0<u></u></p></font></span></font>=
</div><span class=3D"HOEnZb"><font color=3D"#888888">
</font></span></div><span class=3D"HOEnZb"><font color=3D"#888888">
<br><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD=A0<div><a href=3D"ht=
tp://" target=3D"_blank">http://cynthiajean=</a></div><br>
</div><br><br clear=3D"all"><div><br></div>-- <br>Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD=A0<=
div><a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">h=


Help me locate Sister Helen Prejean: Aug 29, 2012 Email

First, the automated response I received to the email sent that day, then the full header for verification


Due to Hurricane Isaac we have evacuated our office and homes.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Thank you.


From: cynthia lee []
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty


Dear Sister Helen Prejean,

Please allow some time in your busy schedule to consider the merits of this argument to shut down the death penalty based on Americans with Disabilities right to competent and experienced experts. I know you visited and endorsed the concept of Occupy and the injustice of our current economic political climate. The concepts included in the original email would go a long way to bring about needed change in our criminal justice system as well as influence the health care system. After all, the right to access experts competent and experienced is a right for anyone with an illness as well as anyone involved in the court system.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: cynthia lee <>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:46 PM
Subject: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty

Dear Sister Prejean,

I wish to bring to your attention a tactic that I have not seen utilized to halt the use of the death penalty. It may be used to quickly stop the death penalty in all jurisdictions.

I became aware of this issue as a physician experienced in sleep disorders experiencing silencing by the medical board of Texas. Their “expert”, board certified in forensic psychiatry, admitted that she “knew almost nothing about sleep apnea”. I began wondering how a physician without experience in medical disorders could render judgement on a person affected by both oxygen and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, there are numerous other medical disorders that are not adequately covered (or, in some cases, not covered at all in advanced psychiatric texts)  so that the physician so instructed would never even suspect the accurate diagnosis. Among these are periodic limb movement disorder and mild to moderate hepatic encephalopathy ( short of being comatose). The amount of research that is pertinent to understanding human behavior from organ dysfunction that never makes it into prominent textbooks is truly amazing.

Sister, while some attorneys, even specialized in criminal law, believe the Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply to their clients, I do not believe that this attitude would prevail. Certainly, all mitigating factors, including medial diagnoses that affect judgement and reasoning, have to be presented to the court before a death penalty can be meted out. The fact that physicians licensed by states, on the word from a private entity like a medial specialty board, often controlled by pharmaceutical interests, but with crucial information redacted from their education, have been allowed to be presented to the courts as experts “competent and experienced” is surely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I would have personally tested this issue in federal court except for the fact I was stalked out of Texas while attempting to make such an effort.

I would like to initiate this dialogue with you hoping to network with individuals who could effect this change. While I believe that humans do not have the right to cause another human’s death, especially under government fiat, the above tactic make be able to stop death penalties from being effected until human culture can evolve to where it needs to be this to be fully accepted. If you would like to send my information on, please do so and feel free to clarify my wording with additional comments.

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience,

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

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From: "Sister Helen Prejean" <>
To: "'cynthia lee'" <>
References: <> <>
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Subject: RE: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of death penalty
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 12:03:09 -0500
Organization: Sister Helen Prejean
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Due to Hurricane Isaac we have evacuated our office and homes.  We will get
back to you as soon as possible.


Thank you.


From: cynthia lee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and
experienced to halt use of death penalty


Dear Sister Helen Prejean,

Please allow some time in your busy schedule to consider the merits of this
argument to shut down the death penalty based on Americans with Disabilities
right to competent and experienced experts. I know you visited and endorsed
the concept of Occupy and the injustice of our current economic political
climate. The concepts included in the original email would go a long way to
bring about needed change in our criminal justice system as well as
influence the health care system. After all, the right to access experts
competent and experienced is a right for anyone with an illness as well as
anyone involved in the court system.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: cynthia lee <>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:46 PM
Subject: Using the ADA requirements for an expert competent and experienced
to halt use of death penalty

Dear Sister Prejean,

I wish to bring to your attention a tactic that I have not seen utilized to
halt the use of the death penalty. It may be used to quickly stop the death
penalty in all jurisdictions. 

I became aware of this issue as a physician experienced in sleep disorders
experiencing silencing by the medical board of Texas. Their "expert", board
certified in forensic psychiatry, admitted that she "knew almost nothing
about sleep apnea". I began wondering how a physician without experience in
medical disorders could render judgement on a person affected by both oxygen
and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, there are numerous other medical
disorders that are not adequately covered (or, in some cases, not covered at
all in advanced psychiatric texts)  so that the physician so instructed
would never even suspect the accurate diagnosis. Among these are periodic
limb movement disorder and mild to moderate hepatic encephalopathy ( short
of being comatose). The amount of research that is pertinent to
understanding human behavior from organ dysfunction that never makes it into
prominent textbooks is truly amazing.

Sister, while some attorneys, even specialized in criminal law, believe the
Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply to their clients, I do not
believe that this attitude would prevail. Certainly, all mitigating factors,
including medial diagnoses that affect judgement and reasoning, have to be
presented to the court before a death penalty can be meted out. The fact
that physicians licensed by states, on the word from a private entity like a
medial specialty board, often controlled by pharmaceutical interests, but
with crucial information redacted from their education, have been allowed to
be presented to the courts as experts "competent and experienced" is surely
a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I would have personally
tested this issue in federal court except for the fact I was stalked out of
Texas while attempting to make such an effort.

I would like to initiate this dialogue with you hoping to network with
individuals who could effect this change. While I believe that humans do not
have the right to cause another human's death, especially under government
fiat, the above tactic make be able to stop death penalties from being
effected until human culture can evolve to where it needs to be this to be
fully accepted. If you would like to send my information on, please do so
and feel free to clarify my wording with additional comments.

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience,

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD

Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD


Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD


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vlink=3Dpurple><div class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
D'>Due to Hurricane Isaac we have evacuated our office and homes.&nbsp; =
We will get back to you as soon as possible.<o:p></o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span =
D'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
D'>Thank you.<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
D'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><b><span =
</b><span style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'> =
cynthia lee [] <br><b>Sent:</b> =
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:56 AM<br><b>To:</b> =<br><b>Subject:</b> Fwd: Using the ADA =
requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of =
death penalty<o:p></o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal =
style=3D'margin-bottom:12.0pt'>Dear Sister Helen Prejean,<br><br>Please =
allow some time in your busy schedule to consider the merits of this =
argument to shut down the death penalty based on Americans with =
Disabilities right to competent and experienced experts. I know you =
visited and endorsed the concept of Occupy and the injustice of our =
current economic political climate. The concepts included in the =
original email would go a long way to bring about needed change in our =
criminal justice system as well as influence the health care system. =
After all, the right to access experts competent and experienced is a =
right for anyone with an illness as well as anyone involved in the court =
system.<o:p></o:p></p><div><p class=3DMsoNormal>---------- Forwarded =
message ----------<br>From: <b>cynthia lee</b> &lt;<a =
</a>&gt;<br>Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:46 PM<br>Subject: Using the ADA =
requirements for an expert competent and experienced to halt use of =
death penalty<br>To: <a =
<br><br>Dear Sister Prejean,<br><br>I wish to bring to your attention a =
tactic that I have not seen utilized to halt the use of the death =
penalty. It may be used to quickly stop the death penalty in all =
jurisdictions. <br><br>I became aware of this issue as a physician =
experienced in sleep disorders experiencing silencing by the medical =
board of Texas. Their &quot;expert&quot;, board certified in forensic =
psychiatry, admitted that she &quot;knew almost nothing about sleep =
apnea&quot;. I began wondering how a physician without experience in =
medical disorders could render judgement on a person affected by both =
oxygen and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, there are numerous other =
medical disorders that are not adequately covered (or, in some cases, =
not covered at all in advanced psychiatric texts)&nbsp; so that the =
physician so instructed would never even suspect the accurate diagnosis. =
Among these are periodic limb movement disorder and mild to moderate =
hepatic encephalopathy ( short of being comatose). The amount of =
research that is pertinent to understanding human behavior from organ =
dysfunction that never makes it into prominent textbooks is truly =
amazing.<br><br>Sister, while some attorneys, even specialized in =
criminal law, believe the Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply =
to their clients, I do not believe that this attitude would prevail. =
Certainly, all mitigating factors, including medial diagnoses that =
affect judgement and reasoning, have to be presented to the court before =
a death penalty can be meted out. The fact that physicians licensed by =
states, on the word from a private entity like a medial specialty board, =
often controlled by pharmaceutical interests, but with crucial =
information redacted from their education, have been allowed to be =
presented to the courts as experts &quot;competent and experienced&quot; =
is surely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I would =
have personally tested this issue in federal court except for the fact I =
was stalked out of Texas while attempting to make such an =
effort.<br><br>I would like to initiate this dialogue with you hoping to =
network with individuals who could effect this change. While I believe =
that humans do not have the right to cause another human's death, =
especially under government fiat, the above tactic make be able to stop =
death penalties from being effected until human culture can evolve to =
where it needs to be this to be fully accepted. If you would like to =
send my information on, please do so and feel free to clarify my wording =
with additional comments.<br><br>Hoping to hear from you at your =
earliest convenience,<br><br>Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD<span =
style=3D'color:#888888'><br clear=3Dall><br><span class=3Dhoenzb>-- =
</span><br><span class=3Dhoenzb>Cynthia Jeanne Lee =
MD&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></span></p><div><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'color:#888888'><a =
href=3D"" =
</o:p></p></div><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p></div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><br><br clear=3Dall><br>-- <br>Cynthia Jeanne Lee =
MD&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></p><div><p class=3DMsoNormal><a =
href=3D"" =
/p></div><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p></div></body></html>